Alternative Diets
Alternative diets are those that are not the standard
canned or Kibble diets. Over 50 years ago, alternative diets would be
considered a normal diet for companion animals. Since the advent of kibble, the
ease of manufacturing, the economics of the ingredient sources . the convenience
to the consumer, and the global economy, dry and canned pet foods have become the standard for both cats and
Pet feeding practices were examined by a
telephone survey in 5 locations in the USA and one in Australia. The survey confirmed that veterinarians are
the most common sources of information about pet health and nutrition. Over
90%of pet dogs and cats were fed a commercial diet, with 25%of the diet
comprised of table scrapes, raw foods and home prepared foods in 17.3% of dogs
and 6.3% of cats. Australia had the most numbers feeding raw foods an only 2.5%
fed therapeutic diets (Laflamme D.P., Abood S.K., Facetti A.J. et al. 2008 Pet
feeding practices of dog and cat owners in the United States and Australia. J
AM VET Med Ass 232(5):687-694)
Raw Pet Foods
AVMA and AAHA Partnership
On July 18, 2012 the and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) announced the formation of partnerships o in preventive health care for pets in order to address the declining health of the nation's pets. Members of the partnership include the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), Association of the American Veterinary Medical Colleges, and health industry leaders including Abbott Animal Health ,Banfield Pet Hospital, their healthcare LLC animal health division, Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc, ButlerSchein Animal Health, Elanco Animal Health, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Merek Animal Health, Merial,MVVI Veterinary Supply, Novartis Animal Health US Inc., Pfizer Animal Health and Veterinary Pet Insurance all sponsoring initiative at various levels. This partnership was formed because of a decrease in regular veterinary visits and an increase in preventable illnesses in dogs and cats.
On July 18, 2012 the and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) announced the formation of partnerships o in preventive health care for pets in order to address the declining health of the nation's pets. Members of the partnership include the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), Association of the American Veterinary Medical Colleges, and health industry leaders including Abbott Animal Health ,Banfield Pet Hospital, their healthcare LLC animal health division, Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc, ButlerSchein Animal Health, Elanco Animal Health, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Merek Animal Health, Merial,MVVI Veterinary Supply, Novartis Animal Health US Inc., Pfizer Animal Health and Veterinary Pet Insurance all sponsoring initiative at various levels. This partnership was formed because of a decrease in regular veterinary visits and an increase in preventable illnesses in dogs and cats.
A task force assembled by the American Animal Hospital
Association and the American Veterinary Medical Association developed and approved concise easy to
understand comprehensive preventive
health care guidelines for dogs and cats. For more information visit the
website www.PetHealthPartnership
At the AVMA 2012regular annual session passed Resolution 5, stating "the AVMA
discourages the feeding to cats and dogs of any animal based protein source
that has not first been subjected to a process to eliminate pathogens because
of the risk of illness to cats and dogs as well as humans".
AAHA has
come out with a similar statement indicating raw protein diets are now
demonstrated to be a health risk for several groups:
Ø the pets
consuming the diet
Ø Other
animals in contact with those pets
Ø humans, and
family members
Ø The public
Bacterial Contamination of Pet Food
All raw food will
contain live microorganisms. The significance of these and their
importance in either preserving the health or causing illness in the animals
ingesting them is the subject of great debate. As complex life forms evolved, a relationship
with the microbial organisms within the environment developed. This
relationship is intricate and can be both beneficial and destructive. During
the evolutionary process, complex life forms developed a symbiotic
relationship with the microbial organisms within its environment. This
relationship is extremely complex and we're just beginning to understand it now
A study published
in 1993, Stone et al utilizing techniques available to them, found that the Salmonella serovares isolated from the
dogs feces were identical to those found in the raw diet. Dogs that were
clinically ill showed a similar pattern. Clostridium
perfringens endotoxin was also found in the diuretic feces its role in the
gastro enteritis was not investigated. Verotoxin (E. coli O157:H7) was not
found. Although this trial demonstrated a clear relationship between Salmonella and gastroenteritis in greyhounds
several questions still remain unanswered. The age, the training level, and
racing records and reproductive status were not identified for any dogs in the
study, so one cannot answer the question whether stress was a predisposing
factor. Also the authors commented on the potential risk that dog handlers were
under, but no attempt was made to investigate whether the kennel personnel ever
became sick or were carriers of Salmonella.
(Stone, G. G, Chengappa, M.M., Oberst, R.D. et al. application of polymerase
chain reaction for the correlation of salmonella
serovars recovered from Greyhound feces with their diet .J Vet Diagn Invest
1993 5:378-385.
A review article in 1976 indicates that the widespread and
natural occurrence of canine subclinical
Salmonella infections is well
documented. This is attributed to coprophagia and eating carrion. This review
referenced published papers that go as far back as 1948 (Wolff A.H., Henderson
N.D., and MacCallum G.I. Salmonella
from dogs and the possible relationship of salmonellosis in man Amer J Pub Hlth.
38: 403-498 1948) the authors conclude that dog can harbor 53 salmonella sero types with a prevalence
of as high as 27%. Most cases in dogs are subclinical... The most common
etiological agents are S. typhimurium
and S anatum (Morse E.V., Duncan D.A.,
and Ester D.A. et al Canine Salmonellosis: A review and report of dog to child
transmission of Salmonella enteriditis.
AJPH Vol66:82-84 1976
In an article published in 2001 expressing public health
concerns associated with feeding raw meat diets to dogs reflects more into the
practices and level of hygiene associated with slaughter animals intended for
human consumption. In general the meat products not intended for human
consumption are rendered and made available as dry meal to the dry pet food
manufacturers. This article covers a wide variety of potentially infectious and
parasitic diseases present in the meat generated from our packing plants and
fish. The authors’ conclusions are never to feed raw meat or fish and limit
access to carrion and hunting. They encourage the feeding of commercial pet
foods as an excellent source of nutrition (LeJeune J.T.and Hancock D.D. public
health concerns associated with eating raw meat diets to dogs JAVMA
Vol2191222-1225, 2001)
An article on
systemic salmonellosis in two cats fed raw meat diet is often quoted as
evidence that feeding raw meat-based diets to cats can result in clinical
salmonellosis. What this case study does not report is the number of cats in
the household being fed the diet, the number of people in the house exposed to
these cats, and whether Salmonella was
cultured from other areas of the house, and whether these cats were housed
indoors or outdoors. This report does however indicate that salmonella in cats is considered
uncommon disease and clinical cases are
often associated with some kind of stress either another disease, infection or environmental (Stiver S.L.,Fraizier K.S.,
Mauel M.J. and Styer E.L. J Am Animal Hosp Assoc 39:538-542, 2003)
Research was conducted in
Minneapolis-St. Paul area looking at the availability of brands, salmonella contamination and labeling of
raw pet food. Sixty raw meat diets were purchased representing 11 brands. These
diets were raw frozen, dehydrated or freeze-dried. The protein sources
represented where lamb, beef, chicken or duck. None of the stores provided food
borne illness warnings. On the label nutritional adequacy by formulation only
and the cautionary statements varied. 71% of the diets tested positive for salmonella. The authors recommended that
warning statement be included on all labels. No mention was made as to how the
meats were handled after the animals were slaughtered and what meat was used in
the raw diets. (Mehlenbacher S., Churchill J., K.E., Bender J.B. availability,
brands, labeling and salmonella contamination of raw pet food in the
Minneapolis St. Paul area. Zoonoses Public health2012 10: 1883-2378
In another study 240 raw
samples from 20 raw meat diets 20 samples from 2 dry dog foods and 20 from 2
canned dog foods were purchased commercially on 4 dates to one apart. 53% of
all products cultures non type specific
Ecolab during at least one culture period, 5.9% of raw diet contained Salmonella enteric. Their conclusion was
that bacterial contamination is common in raw diets (Strohmeyer R.A., Morley
P.S. Hyatt D. R. et al 2006. Evaluation of bacterial and protozoa contamination
of commercially available raw meat diets for dogs. J Am Vet Med Ass Vol 228
A review article in 2006
indicates a lack of information exists on how natural pet treats and raw food
diets can affect the health of pets and owners. An estimated 1% of reported cases of Salmonella annually are related to contact with companion animals.
As of 2006 raw pet foods have not been associated salmonellosis in humans ,
the authors also indicate the risk to human posed by handling and feeding of
pet treats and raw food diets remains
unqualified suggesting the reasons are lack of clinical symptoms in dogs
and cats shedding salmonella, the under reporting of health risks by those in
human medicine and veterinary medicine, the expense of culturing and
susceptibility testing and a lack of a formal system for collecting data on zoonosis
in companion animals. This does not hold true for the cases of human salmonella
associated with dry dog foods where the cases have been identified and the
source of salmonella identified. The authors
go on to describe ways in which to increase to probability of proving a
health risk exists.(Finley R., Reid-Smith
R., Weese J.S. 2006 Human Health Implications of Salmonella contaminated
Natural Pet treats and Raw Food Clinical Infectious Diseases 42:686-91)
The authors of another review
article published in 2011 concluded “Clearly, there is some compelling evidence may
be a theoretical risk nutritionally. Although the authors state that raw
food poses a substantial risk of infectious diseases of the pet, the pets
environment and the humans, level 1 and level 2 evidence is still needed
(SchlesingerD.P. and Joffe S.j. 2011,Raw food diets in companion animal: A
critical review. Can Vet J 52 54—53.
E K. et Al 2011Zoonoses and public Health 58:140-149
sectional design
of dogs had one sample positive
the potential health risks of feeding
raw animal products
2005 to MAY2006 138 dogs from84 households
of the households had at least one dog shedding
5 consecutive daily fecal samples from each
dog samples
serotypes of S.entericasubsp. enterica
Typhimurium (33.3%), Kentucky (15.4%) Brandenburg 15.4%, Heidelberg(12.8%)
contact. Probiotics previous 30 days, commercial, raw or homemade dog food
than 1 dog
In a
2 variable model only raw animal products were significant
R. et al 2008 Zooonoses and Public Health55:462-469
commercial frozen raw food diets randomly selected from local pet stores in 3
Canadian cities for a period of 8
overall prevalence of Salmonella
was 21%: 67% of diets contained chicken
Demonstrates risk of raw food diets and the need for
implementing regulatory guide lines for the production of these
diets to control and eliminate bacterial risk associated with their
to 12 of 16 antimicrobials tested
et al 2007 Can Vet J 48(1):69-75
dog were fed Salmonella contaminated commercial raw food diets
12 Salmonella free commercial raw food
Seven exposed dogs shed Salmonella 1-7 days after consumption
of the seven shed the same serotype as
diet and 2 of the seven had same serotype and a antimicrobial resistance pattern
fed salmonella contaminated raw food
can shed and therefor may be a source of contamination
H., Benner M 1984 J of Food Protection 46(6):482-484
sample s of liver, lung, bovine rumen and pig oesophagus examined over a 26 month period from slaughter
animal judged suitable for human consumption
24 types of Salmonella S. typhimurium
the most prevalent 8 strains of var Copenhagen most frequent was pig
esophagus lest frequent was pig liver and bovine rumen
et al 2006 J Am. Vet Med Ass 228(10):1524 1532
sectional study
fecal and environmental sample s collected and cultured for Salmonella
serotyped and tested for susceptibility to 16 antimicrobial plus PFGE,
S. enterica
isolated from 6% of all samples and 93% of fecals 94.3% Serotype Newport 87%
had identical resistance. Multiple strains cultured from the raw food
food was likely the source
T L 2007J Applied Micro1103(4):803-807
sample from imported and domestic pet chews were cultured for Salmonella
of imported and 6.7 % of the domestic chews were contaminated
pet chews are a source of novel pathogenic
and antimicrobial resistant Salmonella
pet chew a are potential source of Salmonella
Table 1 Peer reviewed articles on microbial contamination of raw pet foods
A Survey of Some Popular Raw Food Manufacturers about Quality Control,
Safety and Nutritional Adequacy
Preamble to Survey
Research indicates that the link
between the feeding of raw diets (which contain bacteria such as E.coli and
Salmonella rarely pathogenic) and disease in the pets or their owners is very
weak , yet the link between the feeding of dry kibble and clinical cases of salmonella
in humans is well documented. I am contacting you as a member of CARPFM
(Canadian Association of Raw Pet Food Manufacturers) or a raw pet food
manufacturer outside Canada, to ask if you will answer the following questions
( I appreciate that you may not want to reveal some of this information for
business reasons
1) The practices you have put in place to
insure there is minimal bacterial contamination of your finished product?
·> All our materials come primarily
from federally inspected facilities that are required to do pathogen testing.
Processing for all products is done in a temperature-controlled environment
(below 40 degrees) to prevent bacteria growth and flash-frozen. Our facility is
cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. We do random batch testing with an
independent lab to ensure this is effective. We are currently working on
setting up in house testing so we can do basic pathogen testing on every
We have a proprietary process that involves sterilizing and testing the frozen
meat and then testing again after the freeze drying process to ensure the
absence of food borne pathogens.
K9natural: Human food hygiene standards are
followed in the k9 factory
· My product is
produced in a provincially inspected plant and we use only human grade
products. My product is as safe or safer than eating any meat from any grocery
Mountain Dog Food:: We use fresh product shipped to us from federally regulated plants that would
otherwise be destined for the human consumable ,market. The product is held at
temperatures that limit bacterial growth throughout the process and processed
in time frames that limit growth
Spring Meadows : As the Canadian Pet Food Industry
continues to grow across Canada, the Canadian Association of Raw Pet Food
Manufactures has announced the implementation of a new “Good Manufacturing
Practices Recognized Quality Standards” initiative. This initiative provides an accomplished
measure of Pet Food Safety and Quality Programming within the Canadian Raw Pet
Food Industry.
·® Raw is made in the Midwest in our company-owned
manufacturing facility. We utilize robust systems to ensure the quality and
safety of all of our foods, including Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
(SSOP’s), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s), A Hazard Analysis &
Critical Control Points (HACCP) program, regular lot segregation, and other
human food industry best practices. As part of our food safety protocols, we
also utilize a 100% natural process called High Pressure Processing (HPP) to ensure
food safety. This USDA-approved process kills pathogenic bacteria under
pressurized chilled water, so the food is quality assured to be safe without
being cooked. In addition to the steps lis All of our poultry, pork, bison, and
beef come from the U.S. and our lamb and venison are imported from Australia
and New Zealand. Our vegetables and fruits are sourced from the U.S., Europe,
and the Middle East, depending on the ingredients. Our grains and starches are
sourced from the U.S., Canada, and Brazil - herbs and spices from North
America, Europe, and the Middle East. Our pharmaceutical grade vitamins and
minerals are from North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. The rabbit
protein we use in our raw diet is from China. The rabbit in our canned is
sourced from Italy and China, while the rabbit in our kibble is from France. We
employ a U.S. educated food scientist in China to oversee our rabbit sourcing.
All rabbit protein is tested before shipment from China and again after it
arrives in the U.S. for processing into our raw diet. We are very confident in
how we handle our sourcing from China. We source most of our ingredients from
the U.S. and turn to other locations only as needed. We are very stringent on
our sourcing and have good relationships built with our vendors for quality
ingredients.ted above,
2) Do test for bacterial contamination, how
and have you set an acceptable level?
· We do testing for salmonella, Ecoli and listeria
on random batches using a human-food laboratory. These test return positive or
negative. Positive results means the batch cannot go out to market.
· According to FDA standards there is
no acceptable level for pet foods so we operate on a zero tolerance
K9natural: Every batch is tested for
enterobacteriaceae (< 300), e-coli 0157:h7 (nil), salmonella (nil),
· We do not test.
However, we use the same health standards used for making human grade food and
we wash rinse and sanitize all equipment after each use.
Mountain Dog Food:: Yes, we have monitoring program that uses ongoing sampling to
identify inadequacies in our process program. While we do not inspect each
batch, we do continual environmental and product sampling.
Spring Meadows: Yes we test weekly for bacteria. We used the same standards that are set out
in human consumption. With the GMP (Good
Manufacturing Practises) program we have implemented cleaning procedures and
testing procedures for the whole Plant and the equipment inside it along with
procedures for handling product.
· Nature’s Variety utilizes a
“test and hold” protocol to ensure that all raw products test negative for
harmful bacteria before being released for sale. Finally, we stand behind our
products with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. To learn more about Nature’s
Variety’s extensive food safety and quality protocols, please visit
3) Have you discussed food safety and
asked for assistance from any federal or provincial agency?
· We have been working with other
members of the Canadian Association of Raw Pet Food Manufacturers to put
together guidelines for the industry. These guidelines were made with
recommendations from the CFIA in Alberta. We are currently in the process of working
with the BC Food Safety Council to set up inspections for our facility.
· : We have documented Good
Manufacturing Practices and Hazard Control Protocol to ensure safe
manufacturing. We are periodically inspected by the USDA and our state
K9natural: all supply plants, production
facilities, transport operators and storage facilities of product are
controlled by nzfsa (New Zealand food safety authority) under a risk management
programme. Major factory audits are carried out every 6 months and inspections
every month.
Mountain Dog Food:: Most if not all of our people have taken programs offered by the
Alberta Food Processors association as it relates to HACCP function, and
operation. Using their very well put together online learning tool our people
understand what good bacterial control is and how it works. Through these
programs we have reduced environmental bacterial loads to acceptable levels and
can now say that we maintaining them at those levels.
Spring Meadows: We employed the Food Development
Centre in Saskatoon to help us set up and implement our GMP program.
Have you ever had your plant inspected or sample take for culture for a retail
store or your manufacturing plant?
· Yes, USDA takes random samples of
product from the plant and from retail stores. We also have our facilities
inspected and testing by a 3rd party lab.
· : The plant is inspected by Calgary Health
region in accordance with their routine checks of all food production plants.
Mountain Dog Food:: As part of the Canadian Association of Raw Pet Food Manufactures
we have adopted their program of guidelines for production of raw pet food.
Mountain Dog Food was instrumental in designing and writing these guidelines.
As part of the guidelines we are expected to challenge the inspections process
that includes a scoring done by a third party inspector (we use the Alberta
Food Processors inspections group). There are no government agencies that will
or can do this job
Spring Meadows: Yes we have as a member in good standing of the CARPFM we have to
have an annual inspection( by a third party auditor) and pass the inspection
with a minimum of 85% to be able to display the associations logo on any
advertising or packaging. We passed our
last inspection with a 95.5%.
Have you ever recalled any of your products and if so why?
· No
K9natural: None
· Never recalled but I
have kept some product back that was partially thawed
Mountain Dog Food:: We have never had a recall… or recalled any production
Spring Meadows: No we haven’t recalled any product
as of yet. We have a Recall Procedure in
place that coincides with batch, production and best before dates.
How do you test for the nutritional adequacy of your products?
· We use biochemical lab analysis in order to certify that our diets meet or
exceed the AAFCO nutrient profiles.
K9natural: firstly with the aid of certain
software a product formulation is constructed which will enable a meeting of
affco nutritional profiles to be achieved. Thereafter lab testing further
confirms this in addition to any nrc guildlines as per 2010 publication. As a company k9 natural is also conducting
feeding trials via Massey university (following affco protocols)
· We have done two things.
Firstly we balance our product based on a prey model for bone, fat, meat, offal
and vegetables. We also double grind our veggies so they are more bioavailable
to the dogs. In addition we use multiple sources of protein so that the dog
gets white meats, red meats, veggies, salmon, offal, eggs, etc. Each puck is
completely balanced. The second way is that when coming up with the formula we
used the tests according to the AAFCO feeding trial tests. We have had more
than 30 dogs fed our food for over 6 month and maintain or improve their
Mountain Dog Food:: We have a blending program we developed internally, that can
identify with very respectable accuracy the nutrient profile of our blends.
This is then compared to the AFFCO, NRC, (and old CVMA) standards to ensure we
are within parameters or identify short comings that may need to be addressed depending
on the goals of the formula.Most of our products have been in the market for a
decade and we have yet to see any feedback indicating deficiencies.Our biggest
concern is that many of the nutrient minimum levels are set not as a function
of need but to cover up the short comings in the dietary sources. When we put
together our nutrient profile and did some investigative work of whole animal
studies we were a bit shocked to learn that no animal exists, or mixture of
animals, could be blended to meet the standards. It was only after the fact
that we realized, that it appears, some of the standard was set to 'improve'
the nutrient take up of nutritional sources. So we are sceptical of its value
(the standards) and its origins.
Spring Meadows: We employ
Sun West Labs to do our nutritional analysis and the Food Development Centre to
do the shelf life analysis.
7) Any additional comments would be welcome
· We used non-medicated meats because
we believe that animals raised in natural conditions are less likely to be ill
or have a high pathogen count. For poultry for example, free-run/free-range
poultry is much less likely to have salmonella and the strands it may carry
would not be anti-biotic resistant.
Salmonella Recalls Associated with Dry Pet Foods
A case control study of S. schwarzengrund primarily in young children was the first
reported incident in dry pet food. 79 patients in 21 states were identified 48%
were 2yrs old or younger This study covered 3 years and centered around one pet
food manufacturer and the organism was cultured from the enrobing/flavour room.
This plant recalled 105 of dry cat and
dog foods before permanently closing.(Jones T., Ingram L.A.; Fullerton K.E. e tal.
The most resent recall involved dry dog and cat food with 49 human cases
illnesses came after the recall of at least 11 brands of dry dog food that were
all manufactured at Diamond Pet Foods' plant in Gaston, South
Carolina, USA. Lab tests confirmed that those sick were infected with a rare
strain of Salmonella infantis, which was linked to the outbreak using
DNA fingerprints of the bacteria. Those infected became ill between October 8,
2011, and April 22. Total human cases reported in the USA include three in
North Carolina, three in Missouri, two in Ohio, two in Pennsylvania, and one
each in Alabama, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey and Virgina (PET Food
Industry news release (
I have not done an extensive literature search I found many peer reviewed
scientific articles about the contamination of raw dog foods with Salmonella appearing as early as 1949.
None of these articles found human illnesses associated with this contamination
as many of the Salmonella were considered
non-pathogenic as opposed to the human cases associated with dry pet foods. One
has to ask why the sudden flurry of activity in making strong accusations and
recommendations about the risk of raw pet foods by the AVMA and AAHA. I believe
if recommendations are to be made they should be made for all pet foods no
matter how they are manufactured
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ReplyDeleteGreat insights on raw pet food! While raw diets have their benefits, I believe premium dog food brands also offer a balanced and nutritious option, especially for pet owners who may not have the time to prepare raw meals. High-quality, grain-free, and protein-rich options ensure dogs get the best nutrition. Have you compared raw diets with Premium Dog Food brands like Orijen or Blue Buffalo? Would love to hear your thoughts!