Pet Supplements is a rapidly growing and profitable sector of the pet food industry. However, why market supplements if the food we are buying our pets is “complete and balanced”, “nutritious” plus many other descriptive terms? Because it is trendy and the concept is marketable and some supplements are beneficial.
Many types of supplements are sold:
1. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements :
- Chelated
- Natural Sources
- Synthetic
2. Fatty acid Supplements primarily Omega 6,Omega 3, and Omega 9a:
- Fish oils
- Vegetable seed oils
3. Prebiotics usually soluble fiber sources that are broken down by the gut flora and are used to establish and sustain a healthy gut flora
4. Probiotics bacteria and fungi added to the diet to augment the gut flora present
5. Antioxidants
a. Prevent the oxidation of beneficial unsaturated fats to peroxides
b. Are chemically derived (ethoxyquine, BHA) which are stable and inexpensive
c. Natural antioxidants are D &L tochpherols, sage, rosemary
6. Herbal supplements:
a. A source of natural vitamins and minerals
b. A prebiotic
c. Immune modulators
d. Modulate the metabolic activities
e. Anticarcinogenic
Many more categories exist and other approaches can be taken, but the main question is: How can we as veterinarian s advice a client who comes to us asking what supplements are best for their pet?
Supplements may be necessary in pets that are:
1. Undernourished secondary to a chronic disease process for example:
a. Liver disease
b. Kidney disease
c. Food intolerances
d. Chronic bowel disease
e. Bad teeth
f. Geriatric
g. Cancer
2. On homemade or commercially prepared whole food diets
Check List: For all circle either yes or no
Product Name:
1. Does the product have:
Lot number: Yes No
Date of Manufacturing: Yes No
Best before or expiration date: Yes No
2. Claims:
a. Appropriate Claims:
i. Are the claims limited to those that support a function such as ``supports a healthy liver`` Yes No
ii. Claims:
b. Inappropriate Claims:
i. Disease claims: Yes No
ii. Claims:
3. Ingredients:
a. Are the Quantities of active Ingredients listed per unit of administration: Yes No
Active Ingredient
Amount per Unit of Administration
Daily Amount
i. If no how are the ingredients quantified:
Ingredient Name
Amount listed
Daily Dose
Actual Daily Amount
b. Are the ingredients listed as a ``proprietary blend of`` : Yes No
i. If you contact the manufacturer can you get the information: Yes No
4. Are the instructions clear as to how this product should be used
5. Are there any Precautions
6. Ask the Company (when you contact the company Identify who you are and the purpose of your call):
a. Who formulated the Product
i. What is their qualifications
ii. How are they connected to the company
iii. Research behind product
b. Who is behind the company tell you about the Executive Management personnel
c. Who can be call for help or advice
d. Has the company been audited and if so to what criteria and do they have a current certificate of compliance that they wish to share
i. Quality control procedures in place
e. Is the company registered with the FDA if American or certified and inspected by the CFIA
f. Ingredient Source and type of ingredient
g. ->What does the company give back by way of support to animal societies or to research programmes?
7. Cost per dose to bring the ratio of 11:1 to 4:1
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